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Faculty & Staff Directory

If you want to know what makes our school special, ask students or parents, and they'll tell you: it's the teachers. Our faculty are the architects of a great adventure in learning. They encourage exploration, innovation, and compassion from every student.

The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Kelci Kennedy

Instructional Assistant
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Rebekah Mason

Special Education Teacher
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Jami Norman

Instructional Assistant, SPED
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Janay Rentas

Guidance Counselor
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Veronica Rodriguez-Luna

Kindergarten Teacher
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Sarah Sutton

Elementary Teacher, Grade 1
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Brittany Taylor

Elementary Teacher, Grade 2
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Elizabeth Topp

Instructional Assistant
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Julianne Topp

Assistant Principal
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Melissa Trautmann

Kindergarten Teacher
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Charis Vander Plaats

Music, Art Teacher
The Paramount Indy icon in the middle of a gray background

Olivia Williams

Elementary Teacher, Grade 5

Showing 13-24 of 25 results

Find Paramount

1203 E St Clair St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA
3020 Nowland Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46201, USA
1203 E St Clair St, Indianapolis, IN 46202, USA
3029 E Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46201, USA
1904 Elmwood Ave, Lafayette, IN 47904, USA
3414 Hepler St, South Bend, IN 46635, USA
6602 Hoover Rd, Indianapolis, IN 46260, USA

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